Definition: The Oracle TO_DATE function will convert either a character string or an expression into a date value.
Example Syntax
These all show valid date formats for "February 16th, 2009":
to_date('16-Feb-09', 'DD-Mon-YY')
to_date('02/16/09', 'MM/DD/YY')
to_date('021609', 'MMDDYY')
to_date('16-Feb-09', 'DD-Mon-YY HH:MI:SS')
to_date('Feb/16/09', 'Mon/DD/YY HH:MI:SS')
to_date('February.16.2009', 'Month.DD.YYYY HH:MI:SS')
The 'format' string must be a valid DATE format: YYYY=year, MM=month, DD=Day, HH=Hour, Mi=Minute
If no format is specified Oracle will assume the default date format has been supplied in char.
Note that the return value of TO_DATE can be influenced by setting the NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE and NLS_CALENDAR parameters.
TO_DATE Format Masks |
Format | Returns |
D | Day of the week |
DD | Day of the month |
DDD | Numerical day of the year, 1 ~ 365 (366 for Leap years) |
DAY | Full textual representation of the day, i.e. "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday" |
DY | Day in three letters, i.e. "MON", "TUE", "FRI" |
W | Week of the month |
WW | Week of the year |
MM | Month in two digits, i.e. 01 = Jan, 02 = Feb,...12 = -Dec |
MON | Month in three characters, i.e. "Jan", "Feb", "Apr" |
MONTH | Full textual representation of the Month, i.e. "January", "February", "April" |
RM | Month in Roman Characters (I-XII, I-Jan, II-Feb, ... XII-Dec) |
Q | Quarter of the Month |
YY | Last two digits of the year. |
YYYY | Full year |
YEAR | Year in words like "Nineteen Eighty Seven" |
HH | Hours in 12 hour format |
HH12 | Hours in 12 hour format |
HH24 | Hours in 24 hour format ("military time") |
MI | Minutes |
SS | Seconds |
FF | Fractional Seconds |
SSSSS | Milliseconds |
J | Julian Day i.e Days since 1st-Jan-4712BC to till-date |
RR | If the year is less than 50 then Oracle considers the year as a 21st century date. If the year is greater than 50 then Oracle considers the year to be in the 20th century. |
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