$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin |
addmrpt.sql |
Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) report |
addmrpti.sql |
Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) report |
addmtmig.sql |
Post upgrade script to load new ADDM task metadata tables |
ashrpt.sql |
Active Session History (ASH) report |
ashrpti.sql |
Active Session History (ASH) report |
awrblmig.sql |
AWR Baseline Migration |
awrddinp.sql |
Retrieves dbid,eid,filename for SWRF and ADDM Reports |
awrddrpt.sql |
Produces Workload Repository Compare Periods Report |
awrextr.sql |
Helps users extract data from the AWR |
awrinfo.sql |
Outputs general Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) information such as the size
and data distribution |
awrinput.sql |
Common code used for SWRF reports and ADDM |
awrload.sql |
Uses DataPump to load information from dump files into the AWR |
awrrpt.sql |
Automated Workload Repository (AWR) report |
awrrpti.sql |
Automated Workload Repository (AWR) report |
awrsqrpi.sql |
Reports on differences in values recorded in two different snapshots |
awrsqrpt.sql |
Produces a workload report on a specific SQL statement |
catalog.sql |
Builds the data dictionary views |
catblock.sql |
Creates views that dynamically display lock dependency graphs |
catclust.sql |
Builds DBMS_CLUSTDB built-in package |
caths.sql |
Installs packages for administering heterogeneous services |
catio.sql |
Allows I/O to be traced on a table-by-table basis |
catnoawr.sql |
Script to uninstall AWR features |
catplan.sql |
Builds PLAN_TABLE$: A public global temporary table version of PLAN_TABLE. |
catrman.sql |
Creates recovery manager tables and views |
dbmshptab.sql |
Permanent structures supporting DBMS_HPROF hierarchical profiler |
dbmsiotc.sql |
Analyzes chained rows in index-organized tables. |
dbmspool.sql |
Enables DBA to lock PL/SQL packages, SQL statements, and triggers into the shared pool. |
dumpdian.sql |
Allows one to dump Diana out of a database in a human-readable format |
hangdiag.sql |
Hang diagnosis script |
soctt.sql |
Creates the SCOTT schema objects
and loads the data |
secconf.sql |
Secure configuration script |
spauto.sql |
SQL*PLUS command file to automate the collection of STATPACK statistics. |
spcreate.sql |
Creates the STATSPACK user, table, and package. |
sppurge.sql |
Purges a range of STATSPACK data |
sprepcon.sql |
STATSPACK report configuration. |
sprepsql.sql |
Defaults the dbid and instance number to
the current instance connected-to, then calls sprsqins.sql to produce the standard Statspack SQL
report |
sprsqins.sql |
STATSPACK report. |
sql.bsq |
Drives the creation of the Oracle catalog and data dictionary objects. |
tracetab.bsq |
Creates tracing table for the DBMS_TRACE built-in package. |
userlock.sql |
Routines that allow the user to request, convert and release locks. |
utlchain.sql |
Creates the default table for storing the output of the analyze list chained rows command. |
utlchn1.sql |
Creates the default table for storing the output of the analyze list chained rows command. |
utlconst.sql |
Constraint check utility to check for valid date constraints. |
utldim.sql |
Build the Exception table for
utldtree.sql |
Shows objects recursively dependent on given object. |
utlexcpt.sql |
Builds the Exception table for constraint violations. |
utlexpt1.sql |
Creates the default table (EXCEPTIONS) for storing exceptions from enabling
constraints. Can handle both physical and logical rowids. |
utllockt.sql |
Prints the sessions in the system that are waiting for
locks, and the locks they are waiting for. |
utlip.sql |
Can be used to invalidate all existing PL/SQL modules (procedures, functions, packages, types, triggers, views) in a
database so that they will be forced to be recompiled later on either automatically or deliberately. |
utlpwdmg.sql |
Creates the default Profile password VERIFY_FUNCTION. |
utlrp.sql |
Recompiles all invalid objects in the database. |
utlsxszd.sql |
Calculates the required size for the SYSAUX tablespace. |
utltkprf.sql |
Grants public access to all views used by TKPROF with verbose=y
option |
utltscln.sql |
Copies a snapshot schema from another snapshot site |
Creates the default table for storing the output of the analyze
validate command on a partitioned table |
utlxmv.sql |
utlxplan.sql |
Builds PLAN_TABLE: Required for Explain Plan, DBMS_XPLAN, and
AUTOTRACE (replaced by catplan.sql) |
utlxplp.sql |
Displays Explain Plan from PLAN_TABLE using
DBMS_XPLAN built-in. Includes parallel run information |
utlxpls.sql |
Displays Explain Plan from PLAN_TABLE using
DBMS_XPLAN built-in. Does not include parallel query information |
utlxrw.sql |
Builds the REWRITE_TABLE for
xdbvlo.sql |
Validates XML DB schema objects |
$ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin |
glogin.sql |
SQL*Plus global login "site profile" file. Add any SQL*Plus commands here that are to be
executed when a user starts SQL*Plus, or uses the SQL*Plus CONNECT command. |
plustrce.sql |
Creates the PLUSTRACE role
required to use AUTOTRACE |
pupbld.sql |
$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/admin/scripts/db |
dfltaccpwd.sql |
Checks for default accounts with
default passwords |
hanganalyze.sql |
Hang analysis script for
stand-alone databases |
hanganalyzerac.sql |
Hang analysis script for RAC
clusters |